13:30 - 15:10 - Room: Nairobi 3-4 + Google Calendar + iCal export
Chairs: Dr. Tânia G. D. Casal (ESA - ESTEC), Dr. Alessandro Di Bella (SERCO c/o ESA-ESRIN)
13:30 13:45 |
CryoSat: ESA’s ice explorer mission. 12 years in space: status and future challengesPresenter: Dr. Tommaso Parrinello (ESA - ESRIN) |
13:45 14:00 |
CryoSat Data Quality and Product EvolutionPresenter: Dr. Alessandro Di Bella (SERCO c/o ESA-ESRIN) |
14:00 14:15 |
Cryo-TEMPO concept: from R&D to multi-thematic operational productsPresenter: Dr. Jérôme Bouffard (ESA - European Space Agency) |
14:15 14:30 |
CryoSat: Calibration and Validation activities throughout 11 years of outstanding performancePresenter: Dr. Tânia G. D. Casal (ESA - ESTEC) |
14:30 14:45 |
CryoSat-2 re-phasing to support Antarctic campaign in resonance with ICESat-2Presenter: Javier Sánchez (ESA) |
14:45 15:00 |
CryoSat-2: A dozen years of polar altimetryPresenter: Prof. Andrew Shepherd (CPOM Leeds) |