13:30 - 15:10 - Room: Bangkok + Google Calendar + iCal export
Chairs: Dr. Clement Albinet (ESA - European Space Agency), Muriel Pinheiro (ESA - ESRIN)
13:30 13:45 |
An overview of Sentinel-1 instruments status, product performance and evolutionPresenter: Muriel Pinheiro (ESA - ESRIN) |
13:45 14:00 |
Sentinel 1 Level 2 Ocean Products Performance Monitoring: current status and evolutionsPresenter: Dr. Charles Peureux (CLS), Dr. Romain Husson (Collecte Localisation Satellites) |
14:00 14:15 |
C-band RFI contamination monitoring and operational mitigation in Sentinel-1 productsPresenter: Dr. Andrea Recchia (Aresys S.r.l.) |
14:15 14:30 |
ESA’s Extended Timing Annotation Dataset (ETAD) for Sentinel-1 – Product Status and Case StudiesPresenter: Dr. Christoph Gisinger (German Aerospace Center) |
14:30 14:45 |
A new ESA ARD product: Sentinel-1 Normalized Radar BackscatterPresenter: John Truckenbrodt (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) |
14:45 15:00 |
The Sentinel 1 C & D MissionPresenter: Vincenzo Costabile (Thales Alenia Space Italia) |