15:40 - 17:20 - Room: Santiago del Chile + Google Calendar + iCal export
Chairs: Dr. Henri Laur (ESA - European Space Agency), Dr Roberto Biasutti (ESA - ESRIN), Dr. Fabrizio Niro (SERCO c/o ESA-ESRIN)
15:40 15:55 |
Consistency evaluation of Sentinel-3 SYN VGT and PROBA-V productsPresenter: Carolien Toté (VITO Remote Sensing) |
15:55 16:10 |
PROBA-V Collection 2: What is new?Presenter: Dr. Else Swinnen (VITO Remote Sensing) |
16:10 16:25 |
The SPAR@MEP project: status and highlightsPresenter: Marta Luffarelli (Rayference) |
16:25 16:40 |
PV-CC Spacecraft development statusPresenter: Xavier Collaud (Aerospacelab) |
16:40 16:55 |
Synergistic exploitation of PV-CC in combination with Sentinel-2 towards a machine learning based atmospheric correctionPresenter: Prof. Dr. Luis Gómez-Chova (Image Processing Laboratory, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain) |
16:55 17:10 |
PV-CC Payload Data Ground Segment Status and Cal/Val planPresenter: Dr. Iskander Benhadj (VITO Remote Sensing) |