10:40 - 12:20 - Room: Santiago del Chile + Google Calendar + iCal export
Chairs: Dr Jérôme Benveniste (ESA - ESRIN), Dr. Heidi Ranndal (DTU Space - Technical University of Denmark)
10:40 10:55 |
Accuracy and precision assessment of Sentinel-3 Fully-Focused SAR in the Gulf of Cadiz (Spain). Benefits for oceanographic applications.Presenter: Dr. Ana Aldarias (University of Cadiz) |
10:55 11:10 |
Estuarine and coastal water level from high resolution data and modelsPresenter: Dr. Luciana Fenoglio-Marc (Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation (IGG), Universität Bonn) |
11:10 11:25 |
Coastal Processing from the Copernicus Altimeters: the CORS processor outcomesPresenter: Pablo Garcia-Arnaud (isardSAT) |
11:25 11:40 |
Interference-sensitive Coastal SAR Altimetry Retracker for Measuring Significant Wave HeightPresenter: Florian Schlembach (Technical University of Munich (DGFI-TUM)) |
11:40 11:55 |
RiwiSAR-SWH: A data-driven method for estimating significant wave height using Sentinel-3 SAR altimetryPresenter: Dr. Mohammad J. Tourian (University of Stuttgart) |