10:40 - 12:20 - Room: Addis Abeba + Google Calendar + iCal export

B1.03.3 Present and future of Validation for Optical Imaging Sensor Products GO BACK

Chairs: Julia Barsi (SSAI), Esad Micijevic (U.S. Geological Survey)

+ Google Calendar + iCal export

10:40 10:55

Ground based sky camera images as a validation source for satellite cloud masking algorithms

Presenter: Jan Wevers (Brockmann Consult GmbH)

10:55 11:10

CMIX: Cloud Mask Intercomparison eXercise

Presenter: Dr. Sergii Skakun (University of Maryland)

11:10 11:25

Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC) Phase 2

Presenter: Dr. Riho Vendt (University of Tartu, Estonia)

11:25 11:40

Validation of ocean colour satellite products in coastal lagoons and estuaries using autonomous hyperspectral sensors (the HYPERNETS network)

Presenter: Dr. David Doxaran (LOV CNRS/SU)

11:40 11:55

Micro- to macroscale water quality product validation to address global data gaps: new technologies from H2020-MONOCLE

Presenter: Prof. Dr. Stefan Simis (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)

11:55 12:10

Simultaneous observation of in situ water reflectance and atmospheric properties from autonomous sensor systems to improve satellite validation of optically complex waters

Presenter: Dr. Thomas Jordan (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)

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