13:30 - 15:10 - Room: Nairobi 3-4 + Google Calendar + iCal export

A9.05.1 Measuring mountain glacier changes from space GO BACK

Chairs: Prof. Dr. Matthias H. Braun (Friedrich - Alexander - Universität Erlangen - Nürnberg), Prof. Dr. Michael Zemp (University of Zurich / World Glacier Monitoring Service)

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13:30 13:45

Using close-to-daily snowline observations from multi-sensor satellite images to derive glacier melt water contribution to total river runoff

Presenter: Martina Barandun (EURAC Research)

13:45 14:00

Glacier phenology reveals increase in ablation season length and lowering albedo in the Alps

Presenter: Dr. Davide Fugazza (University of Milan)

14:00 14:15

Variable ice speeds on the West Antarctic Peninsula measured by Sentinel-1

Presenter: Benjamin J. Wallis (University of Leeds, Leeds, UK)

14:15 14:30

World-wide detection of glacier surge activity using multi-year stacks of Sentinel-1 radar backscatter data

Presenter: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kääb (University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences)

14:30 14:45

Extracting glacier elevation change from Sentinel-2 imagery

Presenter: dr. ir. Bas Altena (Utrecht University - Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research)

14:45 15:00

Global 21st Century Volume and Mass Changes of Mountain Glaciers derived from TanDEM-X and SRTM C-Band InSAR data

Presenter: Christian Sommer (Friedrich-Alexander Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg)

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