08:30 - 10:10 - Room: Tokyo + Google Calendar + iCal export
Chairs: Dr. Ilias Daras (ESA - European Space Agency), Pierluigi Silvestrin (ESA - ESTEC), Dr. Felix Landerer (NASA JPL / California Institute of Technology)
08:30 08:45 |
Mass change And Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC) – Status of the ESA/NASA mission conceptPresenter: Dr. Ilias Daras (ESA - European Space Agency) |
08:45 09:00 |
Joint Mass Change Mission Expert Group (JMCMEG)Presenter: Prof. Dr. Pieter Visser (TU Delft/Faculty of Aerospace Engineering) |
09:00 09:15 |
ESA/NASA science support studies to MAGIC missionPresenter: Prof. Dr. Roland Pail (Technical University of Munich) |
09:15 09:30 |
MAGIC mission science and applications related to Cryosphere, Solid Earth and Neutral AtmospherePresenter: Prof. Jonathan Bamber (University of Bristol) |
09:30 09:45 |
MAGIC mission science and applications related to hydrology, oceanography, and climate changePresenter: Prof. Dr. Annette Eicker (HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU)) |