08:30 - 10:10 - Room: Rhinelobby + Google Calendar + iCal export

B4.02.1 Data Archival and More in the EO Data Lifecycle GO BACK

Chairs: Mirko Albani (ESA - European Space Agency)

+ Google Calendar + iCal export

08:30 08:45

Long-term NWP-based SMOS monitoring

Presenter: Peter Weston (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF))

08:45 09:00

EVDC – Experience in archiving and data management in the Calibration and Validation domain

Presenter: Jarek Dobrzanski (Skytek)

09:00 09:15

Earth Observation Data Information Service

Presenter: Alessandra Paciucci (Serco Italia S.p.A., Frascati, Italy)

09:15 09:30

DAMPS, an ESA Service of EO data Archival, Retrieval, Maintenance, Consolidation and (re)Processing

Presenter: Dr. Olivia Lesne (ACRI-ST)

09:30 09:45

COPA - Copernicus: 4 Core Products Algorithm Studies -- Impact of the SLSTR geometry configuration versus (A)ATSR geometry configuration on retrieved time series

Presenter: Dr. Pekka Kolmonen (Finnish Meteorological Institute)

09:45 10:00

Snow Cover in Europe derived from historical AVHRR Data – a TIMELINE thematic processor

Presenter: Dr. Andreas Jürgen Dietz (German Aerospace Center (DLR), German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD))

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