08:30 - 10:10 - Room: Bangkok + Google Calendar + iCal export

E5.05.1 The Copernicus Programme – Looking Back, Going Forward (III) Unlocking the power of Copernicus – institutional adoption and novel regulations as accelerators for the user uptake GO BACK

Chairs: Simon Lorenz Gabriel Jutz (European Space Agency), Elisabeth Hamdouch (European Commission DG DEFIS)

+ Google Calendar + iCal export

08:30 08:50

Copernicus User Uptake

Presenter: Elisabeth Hamdouch (European Commission DG DEFIS)

08:50 09:10

Turn-key solutions in support of institutional users at national and European level: experience from user uptake in CAMS and C3S

Presenter: Stijn Vermoote (European Center of Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF)), Dr. Cristina Ananasso (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts)

09:10 09:30

EUSPA supporting Copernicus downstream market uptake

Presenter: Dr. Eduard Escalona Zorita (European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA))

09:30 09:50

The usage of Earth Observation in the statistical world – selected examples from Eurostat

Presenter: Dr. Hannes I. Reuter (European Commission, Eurostat (ESTAT), Luxembourg, Luxembourg)

09:50 10:10

Investigating the value brought by the use of Copernicus Sentinels data in European Public Administrations: examples from two ESA-lead initiatives

Presenter: Dr. Alessandra Tassa (European Space Agency)

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