10:40 - 12:20 - Room: Garden Room + Google Calendar + iCal export

B3.02.1 Arctic Weather Satellite GO BACK

Chairs: Dirk Schuettemeyer (ESA), Jörg Ackermann (EUMETSAT)

+ Google Calendar + iCal export

10:40 10:55

Overview and status of EUMETSAT-supported scientific studies on NWP impact assessments of possible AWS constellation scenarios

Presenter: Christophe Accadia (EUMETSAT)

10:55 11:10

Benefits of the Arctic Weather Satellite's 325 GHz channels

Presenter: Prof. Patrick Eriksson (Chalmers University of Technology)

11:10 11:25

A 325 GHz Receiver for the prototype Arctic Weather Satellite – a forerunner for a 16-satellites constellation

Presenter: Dr. Nadine Wehres (Radiometer Physics GmbH)

11:25 11:40

The ESA RainCast Study For Global Snowfall Monitoring: New Concepts And Perspectives in view of the Arctic Weather Satellite mission

Presenter: Dr. Daniele Casella (CNR-ISAC)

11:40 11:55

Preparing for and evaluating the Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS) data in the Nordic limited-area NWP systems

Presenter: Adam Dybbroe (SMHI)

11:55 12:10

Using the Ensemble of Data Assimilations method to investigate future constellations of microwave sounding instruments on small satellites

Presenter: Katie Lean (ECMWF)

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