10:40 - 12:20 - Room: Santiago del Chile + Google Calendar + iCal export

C5.02.2 Big EO data Platforms - Architectures GO BACK

Chairs: Dr. Anne Fouilloux (University of Oslo), Dr. Claudio Iacopino (ESA - ESRIN)

+ Google Calendar + iCal export

10:40 10:55

Efficient and scalable computing cloud access to Big Data EO repositories – CREODIAS, WEkEO, CODE-DE and other platforms

Presenter: Michal Bylicki (CloudFerro Sp z o.o.)

10:55 11:10

CLEOS (CLOUD EARTH OBSERVATION SERVICES), an innovative and open platform for delivering Geospatial Digital Services at scale

Presenter: Dr. Domenico Grandoni (e-GEOS S.p.A)

11:10 11:25

VANTAGE - EO Video Analytics and Exploitation Platform

Presenter: Chetan Pradhan (Earth-i Ltd.)

11:25 11:40

EOPORT: a near real-time exploitation platform for Earth Observation data

Presenter: Thomas Kræmer (Kongsberg Satellite Services)

11:40 11:55

Towards a Common Architecture for EO Exploitation Platforms

Presenter: Richard Conway (Telespazio UK Ltd)

11:55 12:10

Serverless micro-services for fast and easy transfer of Earth Observation technology

Presenter: Dr. Romulo Pereira Goncalves (GFZ German Center for Geosciences, Germany)

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