10:40 - 12:20 - Room: Bonn + Google Calendar + iCal export
Chairs: Dr. Raphael d’Andrimont (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Dr. Marijn Van Der Velde (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy), Dr. Benjamin Brede (Wageningen University)
10:40 10:55 |
Computer vision for automated surveying of flowering plantsPresenter: Neija Elvekjær (European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)) |
10:55 11:10 |
The potential of long-term TLS time-series in improving phenological key event estimation from large-scale satellite observationsPresenter: Dr. Mariana Campos (Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI) |
11:10 11:25 |
Pl@ntNet European crops: ingesting LUCAS cover photos to improve crop recognition and collect in-situ dataPresenter: Dr. Marijn Van Der Velde (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy) |
11:25 11:40 |
Monitoring vegetation structure using automated digital hemispherical photography and wireless quantum sensor networks: results from the Copernicus Ground Based Observations for Validation (GBOV) servicePresenter: Dr. Luke Brown (University of Southampton) |
11:40 11:55 |
Helmets Labeling Crops- An innovative citizen-science enabled approach filling training data gaps leveraging AI to accelerate ML4EO ApplicationsPresenter: Prof. Catherine Nakalembe (University of Maryland) |
11:55 12:10 |
StrucChangeNet: Monitoring vegetation structural changes at high spatial and temporal resolution at globally distributed sitesPresenter: Dr. Benjamin Brede (Wageningen University) |