15:40 - 17:20 - Room: Nairobi 1-2 + Google Calendar + iCal export

B2.01.1 The Earth Explorer 11 Candidate Missions - Science for the Next Decade GO BACK

Chairs: Dr. Thorsten Fehr (ESA - ESTEC), Dr. Mark Drinkwater (European Space Agency)

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15:40 15:55

Earth Explorer 11 Candidate Missions: New Earth Science Insights for the Next Decade

Presenter: Dr. Mark Drinkwater (European Space Agency)

15:55 16:10

The Nitrosat EE11 mission concept

Presenter: Dr. Pierre-François Coheur (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB))

16:10 16:25

The Changing-Atmosphere Infra-Red Tomography Explorer CAIRT – a candidate for ESA’s Earth Explorer 11

Presenter: Dr Bjoern-Martin Sinnhuber (Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT))

16:25 16:40

WIVERN: An EE11 Mission for Observing Global In-Cloud Winds, Clouds and Precipitation

Presenter: Prof Anthony Illingworth (University of Reading)

16:40 16:55

Small-scale ocean surface dynamics from space: the Earth Explorer 11 candidate mission SEASTAR

Presenter: Prof. Christine Gommenginger (National Oceanography Centre)

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