08:30 - 10:10 - Room: Garden Room + Google Calendar + iCal export

A7.03.1 Towards an integrated high resolution reconstruction of the water cycle: advances in observations and hyper-resolution modelling GO BACK

Chairs: Prof. Dr. Marc Bierkens (Utrecht University), Dr. Diego Fernández Prieto (ESA - ESRIN)

+ Google Calendar + iCal export

08:30 08:45

Hyper-resolution hydrological modelling over Europe and emerging challenges with model validation using Earth Observation products

Presenter: Dr. Jannis M. Hoch (Utrecht University)

08:45 09:00

Technology fusion for large-scale, high-resolution terrestrial water cycle reconstruction

Presenter: Prof. Dr. Stefan Kollet (Forschungzentrum Jülich GmbH)

09:00 09:15

Hyper-resolution hydrological modelling of West Africa using Parflow-CLM and assessment using altimetry, gravimetry and microwave remote sensing measurements

Presenter: Dr. Thierry Pellarin (CNRS)

09:15 09:30

Innovative high resolution satellite Earth observations improve distribute hydrological modeling in northern Italy

Presenter: Dr. Simone Gabellani (CIMA Research Foundation)

09:30 09:45

1 km evaporation and soil moisture simulations across Europe based on GLEAM and the Sentinel constellation

Presenter: Dominik Rains (Ghent University)

09:45 10:00

GloFAS Next: Towards hyper-resolution flood forecasting at global scales

Presenter: Dr. Peter Salamon (European Commission)

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