14:00 - 15:40 - Room: Nairobi 3-4 + Google Calendar + iCal export

A9.06.3 Sea Ice Remote Sensing - 3 GO BACK

Chairs: Dr. Raffaele Crapolicchio (Serco c/o ESA), Dr. Suman Singha (German Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.))

+ Google Calendar + iCal export

14:00 14:15

SMOS sea ice thickness - a review and way forward

Presenter: Dr. Lars Kaleschke (Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar und Meeresforschung)

14:15 14:30

Spatial and Temporal Segmentation to Synergize CIMR-equivalent SMOS and AMSR2 Observations for Sea Ice Parameter Retrieval

Presenter: Christoph Herbert (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

14:30 14:45

Using GNSS-Reflectometry for sea ice classification and Marginal Ice Zone characterisation from the Spire nanosatellite constellation

Presenter: Dr. Philip Jales (Spire Global UK)

14:45 15:00

Towards combining C- and L-band SAR imagery for operational sea ice type classification

Presenter: Dr. Johannes Lohse (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)

15:00 15:15

Combination of Active and Passive Microwave Observations and Radiative Transfer Modelling for Sea Ice and Snow Characterization

Presenter: Clément Soriot (LERMA - CNRS)

15:15 15:30

Tracking winter floe evolution and sea ice damage from SAR-derived deformation

Presenter: Dr. Polona Itkin

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